I was recently googling music ministry and ran across this definition of music ministry from St. John the Divine in Houston, TX... "Music at SJD exists to glorify God and is integral to our worship and liturgy – worship being the core of our congregational life. It encourages the congregation’s song in corporate prayer and praise. Through its unique power, music goes beyond words, enabling all present to encounter the mystery of God in Christ Jesus."
Have you considered the importance of music in our liturgy? There may be variations in thought, hymnody, psalmody, anthems, etc. but the foundation for everyone is powerful.. "enabling all present to encounter the mystery of God in Christ Jesus." We are at a crossroads of new beginnings here at St Peter's. The choir is rehearsing and leading worship on Sundays, the organ is in full steam of being completed, and a variety of music is being used to promote a worship for all, a blended worship. Continue to keep our music program in your prayers. Consider how you can participate more fully in the choir, ukulele ensemble, jazz service, and even through song and prayer in our liturgy. May our music lead us to encounter the mystery of God in Christ Jesus! Dr. Joseph Eppink Director of Music
January 2019